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Update: 9 May 2022
I’ve just updated the Java book to the 2nd edition. This new edition is largely similar to the original edition, but uses the Maven build tool. The Maven build tool uses a different package structure compared to the Ant build tool.
The 2nd edition also includes some new features in Java (mainly the switch
expression that was introduced in Java 12).
Update: 9 Dec 2021
New versions of Netbeans come with additional features. Specifically, Netbeans now include three build tools – Maven, Gradle and Ant.
These tools perform tasks such as compiling and linking our source code, packaging the code into a usable form, running tests, and so on.
Ant is the easiest and most beginner-friendly. It is also the build tool used on previous versions of Netbeans. To follow the examples in the book, select “Java with Ant” when creating a new project. You’ll get the same interface as that shown in the book.
Update: 5 Dec 2018
If you purchased the 2016 edition and are unable to download the Netbeans 8 + JDK bundle, please click here for the updated instructions on downloading Netbeans 9.0.
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