count() function in Python

In today’s post, we’ll discuss the count() function in Python. We’ll also discuss alternatives to the count() function, which are more efficient if we want to count the occurrences of multiple items.

For our practice question, we’ll work on a function that returns the most frequently occurring character in a string.

Here are some topics we’ll cover in today’s post

  • What does the count() function do?
  • How to use the count() function with lists
  • How to use it with strings
  • How to use a dictionary to count the occurrences of all characters in a string
  • How to use the Counter class

Key Concepts

The count() function is a built-in function in Python that returns the number of times a certain element appears in a list or string. The function behaves a bit differently for lists vs strings.

count() for Python Lists

Let’s start with the count() function for lists. This function accepts an argument – the item to count – and returns the number of times the item appears in the list.

Let’s look at some examples:

list1 = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 5, 1, 8, 9]



list2 = [[1, 2], "Hello", (2, 5), [1, 2], (2, 3)]

print(list2.count([1, 2]))
print(list2.count((2, 3)))

Here, we first declare and initialize a list called list1 with 9 numbers. Next, we use the count() function 3 times to count the number of occurrences of 3, 5 and 4 in list1.

After working with list1, we declare and initialize another list called list2 with 5 elements – [1, 2], "Hello", (2, 5) , [1, 2] and (2, 3).

We then use the count() function to count the number of occurrences of [1, 2], "Hello" and (2, 3) in list2.

If you run the code above, you’ll get the following output:



This output indicates that the number 3 appeared two times in list1, the number 5 appeared once while the number 4 appeared zero times.

For list2, the list [1, 2] appeared twice while the word 'Hello' and the tuple (2, 3) both appeared once.

count() for Python strings

Next, let’s look at how the count() function works for strings. When used with strings, the count() function returns the number of times a substring appears in a string. The function is case-sensitive and takes up to three arguments – the substring to count, the start position and the end position.

The start and end positions are optional. If omitted, the function looks for the substring in the entire string. Positions start from 0. For instance, for the string ‘Python’, ‘P’ is at position 0, ‘y’ is at position 1 and so on.

Let’s look at some examples:

msg = "Ho ho ho, how are you?"


If you run the code above, you’ll get the following output:


This output indicates that the substring 'ho' appeared three times in msg (at positions 3, 6 and 10).

The substring 'Ho', on the other hand, only appeared once (at the start of the string).

Last but not least, the letter 'e' appeared once.

Next, let’s look at how to use the start and end arguments. The start argument refers to the first position to be included in the count while the end argument refers to the first position to be excluded.

Let’s look at some examples:

msg = "Ho ho ho, how are you?"
print(msg.count('h', 5))
print(msg.count('h', 5, 10))

Here, we first ask the count() function to count the number of occurrences of 'h' in msg (on line 2).

Next, we ask the count() function to count the number of occurrences of 'h' in msg, starting from position 5.

Finally, we ask the count() function to count the number of occurrences of 'h' in msg, starting from position 5 and ending at position 9 (not position 10). Position 10 refers to the first position that should be excluded from the count.

If you run the code above, you’ll get the following output:


We get 3 for the first example as 'h' appeared three times in msg, at positions 3, 6 and 10.

Next, we get 2 for the second example as this time, we ask the count() function to start counting from position 5. Hence, the first 'h' at position 3 is omitted.

Finally, we get 1 for the last example as we ask the count() function to count from positions 5 to 9. Hence, the first and last 'h' are omitted.

Practice Question

Now that we are familiar with the count() function, let’s work on the practice question for today.

Today, our task is to write a function called mostFreqChar() that has one parameter – msg.

This function is case sensitive and returns a tuple with the following information – the most frequently occurring character in msg (excluding spaces) and the number of times the character occurs.

For instance, if msg equals 'abbbcc', the most frequently occurring character is 'b' and it appeared three times. Hence, the function should return the tuple ('b', 3).

If there is more than one character that occurs most frequently, the function returns the first character.

For instance, if msg equals 'abbbccddd', the function returns the tuple ('b', 3).

Expected Results

To test your function, you can use the statements below:

print(mostFreqChar('Good morning'))
print(mostFreqChar('Max the blue eyes cat'))

You should get the following output:

('b', 3)
('b', 3)
('b', 3)
('o', 3)
('e', 4)

Line 2 in the output above shows that the function returns the first character if there is more than one most frequently occurring character.

Line 3 shows that the function is case-sensitive. Although 'd' and 'D' together occur more frequently than 'b', the function returns ('b', 3) as it is case-sensitive.

Suggested Solutions

There are many ways to complete the task for today.

We’ll first look at how we can complete the task using the count() function. Next, we’ll cover two other techniques that involve some new concepts.

Click to see suggested solutions

Solution 1

def mostFreqChar(msg):
    max = 0
    result = ''

    for i in msg:
        if msg.count(i) > max and i != ' ':
            max = msg.count(i)
            result = i
    return (result, max)

This solution uses a for loop (lines 5 to 8) to iterate through msg.

For each character in msg, we apply the count() function to get the number of occurrences for that character. If the number of occurrences is greater than the current maximum occurrence (stored in max) and the character is not a space (' '), the if conditions on line 6 evaluate to True and we update the value of max on line 7 and result on line 8.

For instance, suppose msg equals 'hello'. The first time the loop runs, msg.count('h') gives us 1, which is greater than the current value of max.

Hence, we update max to 1 on line 7 and result to 'h' on line 8.

The second time the loop runs, msg.count('e') equals 1, which is not greater than max. Hence, we do not execute lines 7 and 8.

The third time the loop runs, msg.count('l') equals 2, which is greater than max. Hence, we update max to 2 on line 7 and result to 'l' on line 8.

This keeps repeating until we finish iterating through the entire string.

When that happens, we exit the for loop and return the tuple (result, max) on line 9.

With that, Solution 1 is complete.

This solution should be quite easy to understand. We simply use a for loop to iterate through msg and apply the count() function to each character in msg.

However, the solution is not very efficient. This is because each time the count() function is called, Python needs to iterate through msg to do the counting.

For instance, suppose the length of msg is 20. Using the for loop in Solution 1, we need to call the count() function 20 times.

Each time the count() function is called, Python needs to use another loop to loop through msg 20 times to do the counting. This can lead to a significant performance lag if msg is very long.

Let’s look at another solution that is more efficient. This solution does not use the count() function.

Solution 2

def mostFreqChar(msg):
    msg = msg.replace(' ', '')    
    result = {}

    for i in msg:
        if i not in result:
            result[i] = 1
            result[i] += 1

    max1 = max(result, key=lambda x:result[x])

    return (max1, result[max1])

Here, we first use the built-in replace() function to replace all the spaces in msg with ''. This results in all the spaces in msg being removed. We need to remove spaces as the practice question requires us to exclude spaces when finding the most frequently occurring character in msg.

After removing the spaces, we declare an empty dictionary called result.

Next, we use a for loop to iterate through msg. Inside the for loop, we check if the current character is already in the result dictionary (on line 6). If it is not, we add the character as a key to the dictionary, with a value of 1.

If the character is already in the dictionary, we increment the value of the character by 1 (on line 9).

For instance, suppose the string is 'aab'. The first time the loop runs, the character 'a' is not in the result dictionary (since result is an empty dictionary at this point).

Hence, the if condition on line 6 evaluates to True and we add the pair 'a':1 to the result dictionary. As a result, result equals {'a': 1}.

The second time the loop runs, the character 'a' is already in result. Hence, the if condition on line 6 evaluates to False and the else block is executed. As a result, result becomes {'a':2}.

Finally, the last time the loop runs, the character 'b' is not in result and we add the pair 'b':1 to the dictionary. Hence, result becomes {'a':2, 'b':1}.

After we finish looping through msg, we use the built-in max() function to get the dictionary item with the largest value. You can refer to the previous post for details on how the max() function works.

Finally, we return a tuple with the key (max1) and value (result[max1]) of the most frequently occurring character.

Solution 3

Finally, let’s look at one last solution for today’s question. This solution uses a built-in Python class called Counter, which is in the collections module.

The Counter class does something very similar to the for loop in Solution 2.

For instance, if you write

result = Counter('aab')

you’ll get the following output:

Counter({'a': 2, 'b': 1})

From the output above, you can see that result is a Counter object, which is actually a dictionary. This is because the Counter class is a subclass of the dict class.

We can pass this Counter object to the max() function, similar to what we did in Solution 2.

Here’s how the Counter class can be used to solve today’s question:

from collections import Counter

def mostFreqChar(msg):
    msg = msg.replace(' ', '')
    result = Counter(msg)
    max1 = max(result, key=lambda x:result[x])
    return (max1, result[max1])

On line 1, we first import the Counter class.

Next, we have the mostFreqChar() function, which is very similar to the function in Solution 2.

The only difference is we replaced lines 3 to 9 in Solution 2 with a single line (line 5) in Solution 3. Other than that, the two solutions are identical.

Written by Jamie | Last Updated October 10, 2020

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