
Hi I’m Jamie and thank you for visiting learncodingfast.com.

About Learn Coding Fast

Learn Coding Fast is the brand name of a series of books on computer programming. In these books, fundamental concepts are broken down into simple steps and presented in a “to-the-point” style that caters to the busy individual. Now everyone can learn to code without having to spend years and tons of money getting a Computer Science degree.

Who’s Jamie?

I am a tutor and freelance programmer by profession, and it is my passion to share the joy of programming with as many people as possible. My years of teaching have blessed me with the knack for turning complex programming concepts into simple terms. I’ve written a series of books on programming that are constant bestsellers on Amazon. In my books, I make special efforts to ensure that even a complete novice to programming can understand and apply the concepts covered. Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts.

How are my books different?

The best way to learn anything is by doing. My books always include a complete project at the end of the book that requires the application of all the concepts taught previously. Working through the project will not only give you an immense sense of achievement, it’ll also help you retain the knowledge and master the language.

Where to buy my books?

You can find my books listed on the right (or below for a mobile device). Alternatively, you can visit the page https://learncodingfast.com/recommend/.